Viewing information: You have a computer that you’re using to view this page. Your computer can play videos. Download the videos, then watch. Good luck. Older mpgs and Windows Media Player WARNING! My current version of WMP has issues playing back some of the mpg videos below. They stutter. Use Quicktime if you run into that problem!
fruita 07 (243 mb)
moab 07 (183 mb)
norcal at night (71 mb)
solo ride
Remastered Whistler video. What’s old is new again as I re-encoded my 2002 Whistler video in higher resolution. Click here.
122mbs of Norcal Winter fun.
WARNING: The Norway ’06 video
The New Norway video is not for the faint of heart, or the faint of modem. Rather than make 4-5 different videos that stuck to their own geograhic area, I made one big video. I’m risking viewer boredom due to its length but oh well. It’s not like I’m getting paid or something. It’s 236mb, 21:34 long in a large format with decent compression quality.
Please save to disk rather than streaming and apologies in advance to the folks in Norway for the slow connection. There’s an internet bottleneck somewhere between my fast server in Texas and Norway!

turkey creek trail, sedona, az
related links:
help keep these trails open!

holy cross 77mb

15 minutes of fruita goodliness

207 mb, 25 minutes

groovy gravity games
a grassroots-style DH race put on by Team Wrong Way
(warning: music might be offensive to gerbils)

porc rim singletrack
moab, ut

british columbia

downieville, ca

fruita, colorado

fruita, colorado

tuscon, arizona

tuscon, arizona

downieville, ca